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from students, teachers and parents

"Our teenage daughter absolutely loved Jen’s mindfulness and yoga. When I picked her up afterwards she immediately said “you can totally tell she works a lot with people my age Mom because of the way she spoke to us it did not feel like it was an adult class modified to fit teens, it felt like it was made perfectly for us.” She left the session feeling understood, rejuvenated and centered. Jen combines her experience with youth and her uniquely grounded, compassionate self to create such a welcoming and calming atmosphere that every teen should have the opportunity to experience, especially during times like this. "

- Krista Carrigan, parent

"This [yoga class] is the highlight 

of my week!"  

                                -S., 14.

“Merci! Merci Merci! Tu es géniale! 

Les élèves ont adoré la session de yoga et moi aussi!”

-Mme.Mélissa, enseignante 4e

"I had such an amazing time during your yoga class. I felt so energized and clear minded afterward. The singing bowl and partner poses were particularly my favorite. Your voice was so calming. I had so much fun that it felt like it went by so quickly!"

     -Ella, 15.

"Votre implication a fait une énorme différence pour plusieurs, surtout en cette année plus que spéciale. Vous avez aussi fait une différence pour moi. En tant qu'enseignante, je compte bien réutiliser certaines de vos approches sur une base régulière. Et à titre personnel, vous avez renouvelé mon intérêt envers le yoga sous toutes ses facettes. " 

    -Mme Marie-Eve, enseignante 5e

"“I feel I learned a lot about myself in these past few weeks. I very much enjoyed opening up or even just being quiet and being so relaxed so I thank you for that. " 

-E. , 14.

"...Being someone who is already interested in spirituality, self-exploration and meditation, I found it very special that a teacher would introduce the importance of taking the time to breathe and ground ourselves... It was enjoyable to see a teacher who cared about the mental health of their students and who tried to teach students to take time for themselves in their busy lives ... This was great because it did not just apply to our class, but to how we should fundamentally function."

   -Sophie, 18

"I had a great time in yoga class today! You're a really good instructor. I loved the way you were so interested in talking to us and talked to us about our lives. You were so positive and kind throughout the whole session and it made the yoga class more enjoyable. The partner poses were also my favorite part and really cool to try. I really needed a break and to relax, and u really helped with that. Thank you for such an amazing time. I wish it was longer."

       -Shauna, 15

“Ummm…. Wow!

Vous êtes merveilleuse et vous dégagez tellement une belle énergie! Merci beaucoup et nous avons déjà hâte à notre prochaine session!”

-Mme Renée,  enseignante 1er année

“ I realized that the mindfulness really does help me to focus more on the moment to be present in class both physically and mentally. I learned that it is important to take a moment for yourself, to breathe, to re-centre, before undertaking anything.”

     -Aiden, 17

"Les élèves sont beaucoup plus calmes après un cours, les petits conflits se font plus rares, et ils commencent à mieux analyser leurs réactions. Ils sont aussi beaucoup plus sereins face à tout ce qui leur arrive. Je pense que les techniques que vous leur avez enseignées deviennent tranquillement des stratégies auxquelles ils recourent ; ils commencent à se connaître suffisamment pour savoir ce qui fonctionne, ce qui les aide."

-Mme Marie-Eve, enseignante 5e année. 

"Ton dynamisme était parfait.  Tu as su leur présenter chacun de tes ateliers en les gardant engagés même si certaines journées étaient plus difficiles pour quelques amis.  J'ai adoré ton approche personnalisée, les enfants étaient contents que tu les nommes par leur prénom si facilement.  Tu as eu un impact très positif à travers le bout de chemin que tu as fait avec eux."

-Mme.Vicky, enseignante 3e année.

"I really learned a lot about myself and how I react to certain things."

-Gaby, 13.

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